@purugovind Interesting that U…
@purugovind Interesting that USA & India are in the top 3 in all 4 lists http://bit.ly/j9hjE: Can anyone submit challenge / idea ?
@purugovind Interesting that USA & India are in the top 3 in all 4 lists http://bit.ly/j9hjE: Can anyone submit challenge / idea ?
The toughest part of innovation is focusing on what doesn’t exist.
Ready, Aim… Fail : Why setting goals can backfire -http://bit.ly/10iFuc
RT @Mennacher: RT @adevine1: “Twitter is a way to tell thousands what you would not tell anyone in particular” ~Martin Vars
“Don’t worry about people stealing an idea. If it’s original, you will have to ram it down their throats. “~ Howard Aiken
“Some have been thought brave because they were afraid to run away.” ~ Thomas Fuller #quote
Ten Happiness Myths busted at The Happiness Project http://bit.ly/y0wv7
Defintion of Ultimate Expert : A specialist who knows more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing !
A necessary – though not sufficient- condition for the next big thing: it is ignored or ridiculed as impossible by everyone !
As Twitter gets more popular, does it get harder to use & less useful ? http://bit.ly/11D6LI